Sustainability Plan/ End of Project Review Meetings with HBC CVs & OVC CVs
The activity took place at Emeyal-I Town Hall, Ogbia LGA on February 20 – 21, 2016. A total of 26 (M/7, F/19) HBC CVs/Role models, and 10 (M/2, F/8) OVC CVs were in attendance also present were the RHF Team. Participants were drawn from the seven project targeted communities in Ogbia LGA.
The meeting was aimed at refreshing the HBC CVs/ Role Models on Basic Nursing Care for PLHIV and enhance their capacity in providing adherence support at the community level for sustainability purposes. It was also an avenue to review project reports and data with HBC and OVC CVs and enhance OVC CVs for continuous support for the orphans and vulnerable children.
RHF PM refreshed the knowledge of the HBC CVs/ Role models on Home Based Care. According to her, the most important aspect of HBC is that those who are handicapped, blind, very sick and cannot visit the hospital be reached out to. It is also vital that stigmatization be shunned as it has been found to be one of the factors that promote the spread of HIV/AIDS. For continuity, the volunteers should link new clients to the nearest Support Groups and follow up on them.
Several contributions were made by the CVs on Home Based Care, questions were also asked and answers provided by the RHF Team.
Love Bekewari, a role model representing Ogbia main town recommended that awareness about HIV/AIDS should be created more in the interior areas of the state as many still die of ignorance.
The sustainability plans were drawn by the community volunteers according to their support group. It entails the activities they intend to be carrying out, the strategies, the resources needed, time and recommendations.
The OVC CVs were also urged to provide continuous supports to the OVC and not relent their efforts in home visits and other necessary assistance the children might need after the project.
Several questions were asked by the community volunteers on sustainability and answers were provided by the RHF team. The CVs promised to put in their best for the welfare of the children even at the end of the RHF/BYSACA/HPDPDII Project.
Having exhausted the agenda for the days meetings, lunch were shared to participants, transport allowances were also paid.