News & Events

Sustainability Plan/ End of Project Review Meetings with HBC CVs & OVC CVs
The activity took place at Emeyal-I Town Hall, Ogbia LGA on February 20 – 21, 2016. A total of 26(M/7, F/19) HBC CVs/Role models, and 10 (M/2, F/8) OVC CVs were in attendance also present were the RHF ...

Distribution of Educational Material to 100 OVC in the 7 Project targeted communities in Ogbia LGA
The RHF team distributed school textbooks to 100 OVCs in the 7 Project targeted communities in Ogbia LGA. The team took their time to visit the children ...

Monthly M&E Meeting with HBC CVs February 2017
The meeting took place on February 13, 2017 at Emeyal-I Town hall, Ogbia LGA. A total of 26 (M/7, F/19) participants were in attendance. Participants were drawn from the 7 project targeted ...

Monthly M&E Meetings with OVC CVs February 2017
Meeting took place at Emeyal-I Town Hall, Ogbia LGA on February 13, 2017. It began with an opening prayer said by Okpara Elsie, a CV representing Kolo-II. A total of 10 (M/2, F/8) CVs were in ...

End of Project Advocacy to Community Stake holders
The RHF project team carried out an end of project advocacy to the various stakeholders in her project communities in Ogbia LGA for project close out and sustainability. The activity took place at the ...

Monthly M&E Meeting with HBC CVs/Role Models January 2017
The meeting took place at the Federal Medical Centre Otuoke on January 30, 2017. A total of 26 participants (7M/19F) attended the meeting; also present was the RHF project team.

Monthly M&E Meeting with OVC CVs January 2017
Meeting took place at Emeyal 1 town hall on January 27, 2017. A total of 10 CVs (2M/8F) were in attendance and the RHF project team.

Quarter 3 Review Meeting with OVC CVs
This meeting took place on December 19, 2016 at, Ogbia LGA Council. A total of 10 OVC CVs (M/2, F/8) were in attendance. Participants were drawn from the 7 project targeted communities in Ogbia LGA. The reports from the previous months were ...

Quarter 3 Review Meeting with HBC CVs/Role Models
Thereview meeting also took place on December 19, 2016 at Ogbia LGA Council. A total of 26 participants (M/7, F/19) attended the meeting also present were the RHF project team (PM, and M&E ...

Monthly M&E Meeting with OVC CVs Otuoke
Meeting took place at Town Hall Otuoke on December 13, 2016. It started with an opening prayer said by Loveth, a CV representing Kolo-3. A total of 10 (M/2, F/8) CVs attended the meeting.

Monthly M&E Meeting with HBC CVs/ Role Models Otuoke and Ogbia
The meeting took place at Federal Medical Centre Otuoke and Ogbia LGAs on December 13, 2016. A total of 26 participants (M/7, F/19) attended the meeting; also present was the RHF Project Team.

Visit to Support Groups in Ogbia LGA
Objectives: To give health promotion messages that will help equip PLHIV with more knowledge to live a healthy and positive lifestyle. The RHF Team visited three support groups in three different communities in Ogbia LGA, Namely:

Psychosocial Support for Vulnerable Children/ Kids Club Activities
The kids' club activity is a key component of psychosocial care and support activities for vulnerable Children. This activity took place between December 5 - 16, 2016 in all the ...

Free Medical Mission (Outreach) in Affa Amofia-Agu
The RHF Team conducted a Free Medical Outreach at Affa Amofia-Agu, Udi LGA, Enugu State on December 27, 2016.

Monthly M&E Meeting with OVC CVs
The monthly M&E Meeting took place at Otuoke Town Hall, on November 28, 2016. A total of ten participants (M/2, F/8) attended the meeting. The Volunteers were drawn from the 7 project targeted communities in Ogbia LGA.

Monthly M&E Meeting with HBC CVs/ Role Model
This activity took place at Federal Medical Centre Otuoke on November 25, 2016. A total of 26 participants (M/2, F/24) attended the meeting. Participants were Community Volunteers and ...

Inauguration of Child Protection Committee in Ogbia LGA
This activity took place at the Executive Conference Hall, Ogbia LGA Council on November 22, 2016.

A total of 65 participants were present for ...

Condom Messaging and Distribution of Condom at the Community Level
This activity was targeted at the general population at the community level, carrying out condom messaging and distribution of condoms and other IEC Materials.

Advocacy Visit to Stakeholders for formation and sustainability of Child Protection Committee
The RHF project team carried out advocacy to the various stakeholders for the formation and inauguration of Child Protection Committee in ...

Quarterly review meeting with PLHIV CVs & Mentors
The review meeting was held on June 30, 2016 at Emeyal-I Town Hall.The meeting was more of an appraisal of activities done, experiences sharing & challenges within the short time they had worked.

Monthly M&E Meeting with PLHIV CVs & Mentors
The M&E meeting was held on June 2016 at Emeyal-I Town Hall with 26 (M/, F/) PLHIV in attendance, started at 10 a.m. and ended at 2p.m.

Quarterly Review meeting with OVC CVs
The meeting with the Community Volunteers for OVC held on the June 27, 2016 with all 10 (M/, F/) CVs in attendance.
The HBC Role Models & CV held theirs at different venues concurrently with the OVC CVs.

3 Days training for 16 PLHIV role models
16 (M/, F/) PLHIV from the 7 targeted communities in Ogbia LGA were trained at the 3-day training as Role Model and Mentor. The training took place on June 24, 25 & 27, 2016.

Monthly M&E meeting with OVC CVs
The monthly M&E meeting with the OVCs CVs took place on the June 23, 2016 at the Community Town Hall in Emeyal-I. The meeting was attended by RHF Project team and the 10 (M/, F/) OVC CVs.

5 days training for 10 CVs on HBC, Adherence to treatment, referrals and condom massaging program
The RHF team conducted 5-day community Home-Based Care training for PLHIV Community Volunteers who are resident in each of the 7 ...

Distribution of Educational materials to 100 OVCs in 7 communities
RHF project team conducted 2-daydistribution of the Educational Materials to OVC in the 7 targeted communities in Ogbia LGA.

Advocacy and mobilization of PLHIV
The RHF project team had an intensive advocacy & mobilization exercise in the seven communities from June 15 - 21, 2016. All public and private Hospitals were visitedin the targeted communities just to ensure effective mobilisation of PLHIV.

HCT outreach
The RHF team conducted HIV testing and enrolment of Vulnerable Children simultaneously for the first 3 days, and subsequently continued with enrolment for a total of 7 days.

Enrolment and registration of 100 OVCs
The project team conducted enrolment and registration of 100 (46 males and 54 females) OVC across 7 communities in Ogbia Local Government Area, these include:

Review Meeting with OVC & HBC Community Volunteers & Role Models respectively
The review meeting for OVC volunteers took place in Emeyal-II Town Hall on May 30, 2016 from 10am to 1:30pm. The meeting started at 9 am, with ...

Pre-enrolment of Vulnerable Children
The pre-enrolment exercise for Vulnerable Children was implemented across RHF's seven communities in Ogbia L.G.A. A minimum of 50 children were pre-enrolled and assessed per community.

Training for OVC Community Volunteers on child registration & photo data capture
A total of 12 persons comprising of 10 OVC volunteers and 2 members of God's Deliverance Support Group, Ogbia were trained on OVC programming.

Advocacies to: - Emeyal 1, Kolo 2 & 3. - Gatekeepers In Kolo1, Emeyal 2, Otuosega,
Advocacies were carried out to the following stakeholders at State, LGA and Community levels:

Mobilization to facilities in Kolo-I, Emeyal-II and Otuoke communities
The activity came as a result of lack of existing Support Groups across target communities in Ogbia LGA. The RHF team visited facilities in the selected seven (7) communities across Ogbia LGA, to ...

Project Management meeting with Staff
It was an interactive meeting held on the May 2, 2016 at Royal Health Foundation office, Otio-otio. The meeting was presided over by the Project Director with a total of 8 staff in attendance.

Identification of key stakeholdersand planning for state and community level advocacies)
This activity took place from April 25th - 26th 2016. The identification and selection of key stakeholders relevant to the OVC and HBC components of ...

Selection of project communities
Prior to project implementation, RHF visited Ogbia LGA to select viable communities for the OVC and HBC project implementation.

Visitation and selection for mapped out ...

Development of first quarter implementation plan and budget
This activity took place from 21st to 22nd April, 2016. RHF team developed the project implementation plan and budget according to approved budget.

Program Management meeting
This was a 2 day meeting held to put RHF HPDP project staff through the HPDP project plan, organizational values, policies and key deliverables in the implementation of the HPDP project across selected communities in Ogbia Local Government ...

Start-up workshop on HPDP project for project staff
The start-up workshop for implementing HAF-2 CSOs was held from April 12 - 16, 2016 at Claridion Hotel Port Harcourt, Rivers State.

Recent Project for PLHIV & OVC (April 4, 2016)
PLHIV: People living with HIV/AIDS
OVC: Orphans and Vulnerable Children
Already started on April 4, 2016. Awaiting start-up workshop.

Quarterly Food Support to OVC in Nkanu-East and Nsukka LGAs
The food support for Vulnerable Children was distributed in 4 Communities in the 2 LGAs, Nkanu-East and Nsukka in Enugu State. Items distributed were rice, beans, crayfish, tin tomatoes ...

Advocacy Visit
Advocacy visit were conducted in 30 communities from the 5 selected Local Government Area, Enugu State. The purpose of the advocacy visits were to:

Create community awareness on their involvement ...

Conducted a 5-day mapping in 20 communities in Oji-River and Enugu-East LGAs
The mapping of TBAs were carried out in two Local Government Areas in Enugu State namely; Enugu-East and Oji-River, 10 communities in ...

Conducted a-5 day Training, 10 CVs on OVC in Nkanu-East and Nsukka LGA
The training was done on the 17th - 21st day of February, 2015. The workshop was anchored by two facilitators
- Humphrey Ubanyi and Meniru Hamilton.

Conducted 20 HCT outreaches in 14 communities in Enugu-East and Oji River LGAs
The HCT outreaches in first quarter started on 22/2/2015 and ended on 31/3/2015 in 16 Communities in Enugu-East and Oji-River LGAs.

Distributed Educational Materials and School Uniforms to OVC
The program were conducted in two LGAs in Enugu State. Namely; Nkanu-East and Nsukka LGAs. In Nkanu-East, the distribution was carried out in Igwe's Palace Akpawfu and Amauzam Ugbawka ...

Training of Community Volunteers and TBAs
A. Training of PLHIV CVs
The 5-day training of Community Volunteers started on 26th May and ended on 30th May, 2015 with CVs from Udi, Ezeagu and Enugu-East LGAs. The ...

Conducted HCT Services in Enugu-East LGAs
The outreach program started on 1st to 28th June, 2015 in 9 communities in Enugu-East LGA in Enugu State.Communities reached were; Ugbo-odogwu, Emene, Iji-Nike, Ugbo-Oghe, Ogwuagor, ...

Distribution of Health and Nutritional Support to OVC in Nsukka and Nkanu-East
The health and nutritional support for Vulnerable Children were distributed in 4 communities in 2 LGAs in Enugu State, namely; Nsukka:

Establishment of Poultry farm as an Entry Level Intervention
The establishment of poultry farm to serve as entry level intervention in Akpawfu community commend on 27th of October, 2015. The exercise was rearing of broiler bird (poultry production). The land was ...

Disbursement of Startup Grant to Indigent PLHIV
The disbursement of Startup Grant to Indigent PLHIV was carried with 15 PLHIV beneficiaries of the skill acquisition from Enugu-East, Udi and Ezeagu LGA on 30th October, 2015.

Monthly Traditional Birth Attendants Meeting (December, 2015)
Monthly Traditional Birth Attendants Meeting (December, 2015)

Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Nutritional Support (December, 2015)
Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) Nutritional Support (December, 2015)

RHF and OHC Medical Mission (18th December, 2015)
RHF and OHC Medical Mission (18th December, 2015)

Distribution of Health and Food support to OVC in Nkanu-East and Nsukka LGA
The distribution or food and health support to vulnerable children was conducted on 5/11/2015 at Akpawfu and Ugbawka in Nkanu-East LGA while the same was done on 6/11/2015 in Nsukka LGA.

Conducted Quarterly Kids Club with HCT services to Nkanu-East and Nsukka LGA
The program was carried out in two LGAs in Enugu State. Namely; Nkanu-East and Nsukka LGAs. The distributions was carried out in Igwe's Palace Akpawfu and Amauzam-Ugbawka Community ...

Conducted 2 Community Outreaches in AgbadaInyi Oji-River LGA
Two community outreaches was conducted in AgbadaInyi Oji-River LGA in Enugu State. On 11th November, 2015. On the process of the HCT, both male and female condoms were demonstrated.

M & E Monthly and Quarterly Meetings/Distribution of Birth Pack
Monthly M & E and quarterly meetings were conducted with60trained CVs and 40 TBAs in Oji-River, Enugu-East on PMTCT at their various healthcentres and 12 CVs in Udi, Ezeagu and ...

2013 Valentine Day Celebration for Students and Police
2013 Valentine Day Celebration for Students and Police

Free Medical Outreach at Police Officer's Mess Ovom, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State
Free Medical Outreach at Police Officer's Mess Ovom, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State

Monthly Monitoring & Evaluation Meeting with People Living with HIV & AIDS (PLHIV)
Monthly Monitoring & Evaluation Meeting with People Living with HIV & AIDS (PLHIV)

NYSC Partnership
NYSC Partnership

PPFN Peer Education (February, 2010)
PPFN Peer Education (February, 2010)

Rapid Diagnostic Tests Outreach at ESUT
Rapid Diagnostic Tests Outreach at ESUT