Monthly M&E meeting with OVC CVs

A section of the participants

The monthly M&E meeting with the OVCs CVs took place on the June 23, 2016 at the Community Town Hall in Emeyal-I. The meeting was attended by RHF Project team and the 10 (M/, F/) OVC CVs.

The CVs presented their monthly report as follows:

The CVs from Otuoke community stated that some of OVCs enrolled in Otuokeare sick while some others dropped out of school due to non-payment of school fees. They also stated that one of the OVC Caregiver is dead. In addition, they reported that the Caregivers of the beneficiaries of the educational materials have shown a sign of gratitude to the organisation and funders of the project.

The CV from Kolo-II community, Elsi Okpara, reported that some of the OVC in Kolo-II have been sick too, with lack of proper medical care. In her report, she also made mention that most of the parents of children that didn't meet the criteria for the enrolmentare not happy with her. However the Caregivers of the beneficiaries are very happy with the educational materials that were given to the children.

The CV from Kolo-II mentioned in her reported that one of the OVCs named Gods gift Korea is asthmatic and currently he is very sick and need good medical support.

The CV from Emeyal-I also reported that one of the OVC named Chukwu Goodluck was suffering from sickle cell anaemia, and was having a crisis that needed a prompt medical assistant, has just passed on. Another OVC also lost his Caregiver and currently the house which he lives is being headed by a younger person.

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