About Us
What is Royal Healthcare Foundation:
Royal Healthcare Foundation is an NGO established in 2002 as a non-profit, non-racial, non-religious, non Gender, non classical organization that promotes Gender Equality, Youth, women and Community Development, Leadership, Good Governance. Environmental safety, Health Care and Support Policies that protect the rights of People Living with HIV & AIDS (PLHIV), Orphaned and Vulnerable Children (OVC).
Our Vision:
Royal Healthcare Foundation envisions a society free of HIV & AIDS and Malaria, where people have access to quality healthcare & life; and integral & sustainable community development.
Our Mission:
To advocate for youth and women empowerment, promotion of human capital development index, challenging structures of poor governance, creating hope and working for sustainable environment & human development.
Major Areas of Focus:
Provision of qualitative Health Education on developmental health issues - HIV/AIDS, Malaria, MNCH, NTDs, priority diseases prevention and intervention strategies. Health research & publication; promotion of safe water, sanitation and hygiene; and environmental sustainability; Health assistance to vulnerable groups (prisoners and abused persons); & promotion of self reliance programmes, caring for excluded, indigent and gifted children.
Royal Healthcare Foundation raises funds from the following sources:
- Registration fees
- Dues
- Levies
- Sales of Publications
- Donations
- Workshops/Seminars
- Consultancy Services
- Grants